What is Skiloope?

31 December 2022

It is an organizational workforce management software. Sounds complicated, but it's actually not. We developed Skiloope as a team growth automation tool which makes managing teams easy and accessible.

How does Skiloope work?

Essentially, it is a great tool to level up and assess your team's skill sets. The concept of the app is based on skill matrices which are more approachable due to pre-built and shareable templates.

Skill matrices are essential for keeping track of your employees skills, competences, and qualifications. They improve efficiencies within teams, increase your earnings, and reduce your costs.

Managers can set up their mentee's profile in Skiloope, map the mentee’s skills, set up goals, and follow the mentee's growth process.

Why is Skiloope special?

Skiloope features a unique educational element. Create smart objectives in education by setting up practical tasks for your employees to complete and rate their results by adding skills and updating their profiles.

Skill matrix software is mostly defined by closed systems, but Skiloope is different on that front. It has a built-in shareable templates system. You can create expertise templates and share them with other Skiloope users to unveil best practices.

And that’s not all. We are preparing lots of exciting features for the next release and they are worth looking forward to them.

What can Skiloope do for your company?

It allows you to select people with the right expertise for jobs, projects and tasks. Managers will be able to fill positions with employees who are the best fit for that job.

It can identify employee strengths or skill gaps within teams and departments, thus saving time and money for your business. You'll be able to provide the needed training and rotate your employees between different projects or teams.

It helps track employee development with a simple flow and easily identifiable training opportunities. When your employee is aware of the skill gaps, they can take actions to gain a better skill set for their expertise.

It helps your HR department and workforce management to understand which skill set is needed in your team and makes the hiring process more efficient.

What's our pricing policy?

You can start using Skiloope for free and move onto flexible enterprise rates. We support non-profit organizations with free-of charge services. Contact us to get a cost estimation for your business via hello@skiloope.com email.

the office table with the notebooks and phones

Automate team growth now

Don’t waste your time on routine that Skiloope can easely automate. Pre-built and sharable expertise templates will guide you and your team.

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